
Great fun

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Trying new things

I'm trying new things today and one of these is the video bar. I'd like to see if I could add an avatar at some stage. I'm really starting to appreciate just much I don't know. How to we keep learning all of this stuff that the younger generations are using?? Could we just keep going please???

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 12 - Social Networking

The possibilities for social networking are only limited by our imagination and even with the advent of Second Life even this has become infinite.
For libraries to remain relevent to our clients we need to keep up with what is new that's a given.
Social networking is the way for staff and clients to do this.
To be seen to be listening to our clients needs.
To be relevant in this day and age.
To be keeping up-to-date with social and cultural issues in our communities and world-wide.
To be involving all people in events and forums.
To be allowing communication via the various forms available.
Libraries tend to divide their clients into age groups - to cater to their various needs - however maybe we need to not overlook that we should also be providing opportunities for the various age groups to mix and create understanding. Libraries have for many years provide one area for social interaction to occur on a neutral and non threatening environment. Is it because equality seems to be provided to them freely.
People get to talk to each other where as in the street this is getting to be a no no. Libraries provide many opportunities to meet like minded people after all your in the same section of the library browsing.
Library blogs are a form of advertisement of up-and-coming events, forums for people to add comments and to get the opinions of the audiences. Everybody contributing together on issues allow for the brainstorming of ideas and it is surprising what can come from the collective melting pot. Bear in mind that some people are reluctant to view their ideas in person but that doesn't mean that they don't have views and ideas on how something may be improved. This is where on-line blogging can provide a cloak of anonymity.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 11 - Online applications

These are really great - cuts down on time consuming emailing back and forwards and allows for sharing and collaboration to get work completed. I think that there is deffinitly great scope for these in the library workplace and also with clients as well. Time and imagination is all that is really needed to see the full potential of all of these applications. There seems to be a tool for everything - there is some really great lateral thinkers out there.


The calender would be great to keep clients informed of what is going on in the library as to library events coming up. Also a great way for informing staff of what is coming up, like inservice training and meetings. I'd still like to know more about this!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I really like these!!!
Great for all people - kids have access to talking books on the computer - this would be very popular in rural areas, the library could come to young children via the web.
I just thought the OCLS podcasts to the teens was one way to really get the message across and to encourage more teens into the library.

Even for the older clients podcasts could be a way of informing what new books and services are available.
As an educational tool - great - even better with a video for a faster way to learn library skills and as an introductory tool when arriving in a new workplace.
Yes, more library education tools via podcast!!!


With these answer boards - how do you get the little picture or character against your question??

Answer Boards

Does this have a role in libraries - yes this could be a way for librarians to answer clients information needs but in a way this has been done in the bigger libraries. I can see that in our library we still get some information requests via paper. However more and more requests are coming via email.
I am not sure if patrons would want to waste time rating all items in a public library collection - although it may bring out some funny responses. Now rating services may be of advantage as this could allow libraries to see what areas are really in need of a boost or more funding.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Library thing

Library thing
This is a great way to have a list of all your books in one area. I'm not sure if it would work for a library? but it was really easy to add books onto Library thing. But does it really stop at only books, what about your DVD collection, cd's and audiobooks not to mention the ebooks - we all have such diverse collections in our lives now.!!!

Click here for access to Library thing

Monday, March 17, 2008 experiences

Well I certainly like the word and surprisingly it was not difficult to add posts into the delicious account. However trying to work out how to put the link into the blog is a little bit more tricky. One big advantage is that your bookmarks can travel with you. I work in a different department virtually every day and this is a way for my bookmarks to travel with me, regardless of the desk I am presently at. That's definitely a plus!!!
Click here to go to

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Starting week 6 today - videos online

Well this is another experience!!!
A little rocky to start with but a little help from the net and away I go!!
I've been dabbling into family history - who hasn't lately? and one of my relatives actually came from the Isle of Skye. So I'm interested to see what this island is like. But back to the subject at hand and You tube and Google video, I think this is just great - Libraries could promote via these mediums, the visual is always the best method, audio and visual combined - a good way to advertise.

Isle of Skye: Scotland,UK

Friday, March 14, 2008

To Wiki or not to Wiki that is the question

Wiki's in the library could have some advantages -
1) a way of organizing, if it was an event say Law week and a few libraries need to organise events, staff could plan and put do what would be needed and who would be supplying.
2) Now what about manuals, learning via wiki's ??, material data sheets, occupational health and safety info and no doubt there is lots more to be added.
3) what about book clubs? maybe that's possible?
4) wiki's could allow more people to keep up-to-date with learning.
5) wiki's for patrons and staff to help with genre's ( these writers - these genres)
I'm sure there are tons more.
What do I like about the RSS's - maybe that they bring the news and information to me all on one site! for the time strapped people like me it's what I would call one stop shopping and thats great.
The sites that I'm more interested in are science, technology, craft and news at this stage. I'll need to investigate this more as I get a little more time. I may come across something interesting that I would like to add to this list but for the time being it's a starter.
How to use this at work? maybe it's a way of keeping up to date on new and upcoming events in the library coalface. It could be a way for libraries to keep clients informed and allow them to have up to date information on what is happening in their library.
Maybe libraries can attach the RSS to the libraries web site?? Is that way possible???
Other good library blogs found - Swinburne Library Blog, Manly Library Weblogs , library jobs blog (now I can see a definite advantage to that), Online Public Access in Libraries (OPAL) training blog ( training blog - now that could be good), ALIA board blog ( great).

Monday, March 3, 2008

Backyard view

I took this picture on Sunday afternoon
we had about 4 seasons in one day
It's a first for using a digital camera
and the weather was so gloomy
This view is from the back fence looking
towards Richmond Hill

Stormy weather

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A dream of time past

Look far to the hills
those majestic heights
gaze upon my soul
A whisper of the valleys
at dawn when human
kind is drawn to the
depths of dispair
I gaze upon you with
somber eyes to look
to the past, the future held
but soon forgotten

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Change, Help wanted!

I've chosen a template but now I'd like to know how to change this to a different one, can anyone out there please give me some pointers???

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lifelong learning

What do I hope to learn from this program - I would definitely say to learn about new technology!
Lifelong learning wasn't built in a day and that sums up what I think learning is all about. Times change and so must all of us. Everyday there is something new to take on board, may be we need to look on this as a challenge. Like the new phone with all the new features on it that we don't use but should at some stage if even just to give it a go.
If we look back and think of when we were children and then look forward to today and see just how many advances have been made. Sometimes I think I just cannot take all this on board but small steps and lots of questions help us to make progress. It's this progress that I've sometimes taken for granted.
I'd like to think that lifelong learning moves us from one dimension to another.
I've only looked on the blogs that this course as directed us to but some of them are great, I think that people can talk and keep in touch and get feedback is definitely one of the greatest features. For libraries this would be fantastic, letting people out there know what is going on and allowing them the ability to imput is so worthwhile.
I like the visual side of the web and maybe thats something that cannot be overlooked.
Virtual world are popular, is there a virtual library in these virtual world? that you could borrow a virtual book or talking book??? Hey it's just another thought!.
Is it a way for more library staff to keep up to date in whats happening in and arround libraries not only in Australia but other countries as well?? I'm yet to learn.